
Kamis, Juni 04, 2009

ROHANI - Pujian Penyembahan

Acapella, o happy day

Avalon, we are the reason

Delon, Dia mengerti extended

Dia buka jalan

Diana papilaya ft edward and samuel, people need the Lord

Diana papilaya ft edward and samuel, why me Lord

Diana papilaya, above all

Diana papilaya, give them all to Jesus

Diana papilaya, God will make a way

Diana papilaya, the power of your love

Dibawah kepak sayapMu

Edward and samuel, great is thy faithfulness

Edward and samuel, I'd rather have Jesus

Edward and samuel, there's within my heart a melody

Edward and samuel, when we all get together with the Lord

Edward steve suawah, the Lord's prayer

Edward steve suawah, the prayer

Herlin pierena, hati sbagai hamba

Instrument, seperti yang Kau ingini

JanjiMu sperti fajar pagi hari extended version

Joy tobing, Allah perduli

Joy tobing, ingat kasihNya

Joy tobing, mujizat itu nyata

Maria simorangkir, mujizat setiap hari

Mawar simorangkir, seperti yang Kau ingini

Nainggolan sister's, kukagum hormat akan Engkau

Pdt.Dr.Ir.Niko njotorahardjo, aku percaya

Pdt.Dr.Ir.Niko njotorahardjo, dalam Yesus

Pdt.Dr.Ir.Niko njotorahardjo, kucinta Kau

Pdt.Dr.Ir.Niko njotorahardjo, siapakah aku ini Tuhan ?

Praskita, Indah rencanaMu Tuhan

Samuel steve suawah, my tribute

Samuel steve suawah, there's something about that name

Samuel steve suawah, we are the reason

Sari simorangkir, dengan imanku

Sari simorangkir, Engkaulah Allahku

Sari simorangkir, hanya Kau

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